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On 30 December 2024, AMCO’s EGM approved the amendments to the Articles of Association to adopt the one-tier governance system.
The Shareholders’ Meeting appointed 4 new Board members.
The amendments to the Articles of Association will be effective as of the registration of the Shareholders’ Resolution with the competent Companies’ Register.
For more information see the press release
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of AMCO S.p.A. is comprised of 5 members, appointed by the Company’s 2023 Shareholders’ Meeting; the Board normally serves a three-year term. The composition of the Board of Directors ensures compliance with current provisions on gender balance. The Directors of the Company must meet the integrity and experience requirements laid down by the Consolidated Law on Banking for the corporate representatives of banks and financial intermediaries and are subject to the causes of ineligibility, incompatibility, suspension and forfeiture provided for by the aforesaid legislation as well as other regulations applicable to public companies such as AMCO.
Board committees
On the 26th October 2023 AMCO Board of Directors (BoD) set up two Committees from within its ranks with investigative, propositional and advisory functions:
- Risk and Related Parties Committee (Connected Persons)
- Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
The Risk and Related Parties Committee (Connected Persons) has the task of assisting the Board of Directors by carrying out functions of a preliminary, propositional and advisory nature, regarding governance and risk management and the Internal Control System (ICS) to ensure its adequacy with respect to the characteristics of the Company in relation to the evolution of the organization and operations, as well as the regulatory context of reference.
The Risk and Related Parties Committee (Connected Persons) also oversees issues related to transactions with related parties (connected persons) in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations as well as the relevant internal regulations in force from time to time.
The Remuneration and Nomination Committee has the task of assisting the Board of Directors, performing functions of a preliminary, propositional and advisory nature, in matters of: (i) remuneration, incentives and performance objectives of AMCO’s executive directors and employees, in order to ensure clarity, reliability and the making of independent and informed decisions, free from possible conflicts of interest and consistent with the Company’s Code of Ethics, values and long-term strategy; (ii) composition and nomination of the BoD, in order to ensure the presence of individuals who are suitable to effectively perform the role assigned to them.
The Risk and Related Parties Committee (Connected Persons)
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Board of Statutory Auditors
The Board of Statutory Auditors of AMCO S.p.A. consists of three Standing Statutory Auditors, including the Chairman, appointed by the company’s Shareholders’ Meeting in 2018, together with two Substitute Statutory Auditors. The composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors ensures compliance with current provisions on gender balance. The term of office of the Statutory Auditors is three years. The company’s Statutory Auditors must meet the requirements of integrity and professionalism laid down for corporate officers of banks and financial intermediaries by the Consolidated Banking Act. The provisions on impeding situations provided by the same regulations apply to the Statutory Auditors.